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Extendable configurations

Extendable configurations (extendable_configs) is an object containing different configurations options that could be extended from the root configuration, from the Exceptions or from another extendable configuration, making them a very flexible option to share configuration blocks. To specify that a configuration should extend from an extendable configuration, the extend_from option should be used specifying the extendable configuration name(s).

Extending from a configuration basically means "import what I don't already have", so if a configuration already has an option, it will prevail and it will not be overridden if the configuration is extended. For example, the next configuration has a main configuration extending from an extendable configuration named example, let's analyse what will be the result of that extend.

<config directory>/www/sidebar-config.yaml
title: 'Custom Title'
- item: 'overview'
name: 'Dashboard'
order: 3
- new_item: true
item: 'Integrations'
href: '/config/integrations'
icon: 'mdi:puzzle'
order: 2
extend_from: 'example'
title: 'My Home'
subtitle: 'Assistant'
- item: 'overview'
icon: 'mdi:monitor-dashboard'
order: 0
- new_item: true
item: 'Google'
href: ''
icon: 'mdi:earth'
target: '_blank'
order: 1
  1. As the title option is defined in the main configuration, it will not get the title option from the extendable configuration.
  2. As the subtitle option is not defined in the main configuration, it will be get from the extendable configuration.
  3. As the main configuration and the extendable configuration both have an order option, it will be merged:
    1. Both orders have an overview item, so it will be merged. As the main config order-item has also an order property, it will not be extended, but as the extendable order-item has an icon property that doesn't exist in the main config order-item, it will be extended.
    2. As the extendable order-item doesn't have a name property, it will remain there.
    3. The Integrations doesn't exist in the extendable order so it will remain as it is.
    4. The Google extendable item doesn't exist in the main config, so it will be extended.

The resulted main config after the extending process will be:

<config directory>/www/sidebar-config.yaml
title: 'Custom Title'
subtitle: 'Assistant'
- new_item: true
item: 'Google'
href: ''
icon: 'mdi:earth'
target: '_blank'
order: 1
- new_item: true
item: 'Integrations'
href: '/config/integrations'
icon: 'mdi:puzzle'
order: 2
- item: 'overview'
name: 'Dashboard'
icon: 'mdi:monitor-dashboard'
order: 3

It is possible to extend from multiple configurations and they will be extended in order, as shown in the next example:

<config directory>/www/sidebar-config.yaml
- 'colors'
- 'titles'
icon_color: 'red'
text_color: 'red'
title: 'Custom Title'
subtitle: 'Custom Subtitle'

As already mentioned, an extendable configuration can extend from other extendable configurations:

<config directory>/www/sidebar-config.yaml
title: 'Custom Title'
extend_from: 'example'
title_color: 'red'
subtitle_color: 'blue'
subtitle: 'Assistant'
extend_from: 'colorful'

The resulted main config will be:

<config directory>/www/sidebar-config.yaml
title: 'Custom Title'
subtitle: 'Assistant'
title_color: 'red'
subtitle_color: 'blue'

In the case of Exceptions, they can also extend from the main configuration if base is used in the extend_from option:

<config directory>/www/sidebar-config.yaml
title: 'Custom Title'
extend_from: 'example'
title_color: 'red'
subtitle_color: 'blue'
subtitle: 'Assistant'
extend_from: 'colorful'
- user:
- 'ElChiniNet'
- item: 'overview'
name: 'Dashboard'
icon: 'mdi:monitor-dashboard'
order: 3
extend_from: 'base'

So, the configuration for the user ElChiniNet will be the same previous main config, plus an order with an order-item.

The next example is a more complex one extending from multiple configurations:

<config directory>/www/sidebar-config.yaml
title: 'My Home'
extend_from: 'admin_config'
- new_item: true
item: 'Google'
href: ''
icon: 'mdi:earth'
target: '_blank'
order: 1
icon_color: 'red'
icon_color_selected: 'blue'
icon_color_hover: 'green'
text_color: 'red'
text_color_selected: 'blue'
text_color_hover: 'green'
- new_item: true
item: 'Integrations'
href: '/config/integrations'
icon: 'mdi:puzzle'
order: 2
- new_item: true
item: 'Entities'
href: '/config/entities'
icon: 'mdi:hexagon-multiple'
order: 3
extend_from: 'multicolor'
hide_all: true
- item: 'overview'
hide: false
- is_admin: true
- 'multicolor'
- 'admin_config'
- item: 'config'
bottom: true
- user:
- 'ElChiniNet'
- 'Paulus'
etend_from: 'base'
title: 'HA'
- user:
- 'Jim Hawkins'
- 'Long John Silver'
extend_from: 'user_config'
- item: 'overview'
name: 'Dashboard'
  • You need to be careful of circular dependencies when extending configurations, if this is detected an error will be thrown
  • You can only use base inside extend_from if you are in an exception, trying to use it in the main config or in an extendable configuration will throw and error