📄️ Configuration File
Depending on the file that you have added to [extramoduleurl], you will need to add your configuration in YAML or JSON format. If you used custom-sidebar-yaml.js you need to provide the configuration in YAML format. If you have used custom-sidebar-json.js you need to provide the configuration in JSON format.
📄️ Main Configuration Options
These options are intended to change the functionality of the sidebar and to change the texts, the order and the visibility of their elements among other options. Check Themeable Configuration Options if you are interested in changing the colors and the appareance of the sidebar elements.
📄️ Themeable Configuration Options
These options are only useful if you plan to change the appareance of the sidebar. If you are interested in changing the order or the visibility of the sidebar items as well as changing its functionality, check the Main Configuration Options.
📄️ Exceptions
You can define user/device-specific options using the exceptions feature. Exceptions can be used if you would like to define different options for a specific user/device.