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Main Configuration Options


These options are intended to change the functionality of the sidebar and to change the texts, the order and the visibility of their elements among other options. Check Themeable Configuration Options if you are interested in changing the colors and the appareance of the sidebar elements.

Root Configuration Options

orderitems[]noList of sidebar items to process and customise. Consult the Order Item Properties for the documentation of the options inside each order item
hide_allBooleannoHides all items of the sidebar by default, useful if one wants to hide everything and just show a few items. (This options doesn't make any effect in an item with the property new_item in true)
title*StringnoCustom title to replace the Home Assistant title
subtitle*StringnoSets a custom subtitle below the Home Assistant title
sidebar_editable*Boolean or StringnoIf it is set to false, long press on the sidebar title will be ignored and the button to edit the sidebar in the profile panel will be disabled. As a string it should be a JavaScript or a Jinja template that returns a boolean or a promise that resolves in a boolean
sidebar_modeStringnoDefines the default status of the sidebar when Home Assistant is loaded. It has three possible values: "hidden" to make the sidebar hidden, "narrow" to make the sidebar visible in narrow state and "extended" to make sidebar visible in extended state. This option will show or hide the sidebar ignoring if it is a desktop or a mobile device or if the Always hide the sidebar switch in the profile page in on or off (depending on the value of this option, this switch will be switched on or off automatically)
default_pathStringnoDefines the default URL path when the page loads. This path must start with /

* These options allow JavaScript or Jinja templates.

  • Take into account that if you use the order option with at least one item, all the items placed in the bottom will be moved to the top by default. If you want to have some items in the bottom after being specified an order option, you need to add them to this option and specify their bottom property on true.
  • Any items present in the Sidebar, but not in the order option, will be shown on the bottom of the top part of the list.
  • The default_path option will change the default behaviour and every time that the page loads it will navigate to this path (either when the page loads for the first time or when it gets refreshed). If you don't want to have this behaviour and you would prefer to load Home Assistant in an specific path or refresh a specific page without being redirected to the default_path, then you should not set this option.

Short Configuration Example

<config directory>/www/sidebar-config.yaml
title: 'My Home'
sidebar_editable: false

Order Items Properties

itemStringyesThis is a string that will be used to match each sidebar item by its text, its data-panel attribute or its href. If the exact property is not set, it is case insensitive and it can be a substring such as developer instead of Developer Tools or KITCHEN instead of kitchen-lights
matchStringnoThis property will define which string will be used to match the item property. It has three possible values "text" (default) to match the text content of the element, "data-panel" to match the data-panel attribute of the element, or "href", to match the href attribute of the element
exactBooleannoSpecifies whether the item string match should be an exact match (true) or not (false)
orderNumbernoSets the order of the sidebar item
hide*Boolean or StringnoSetting this property to true will hide the sidebar item and if the property hide_all from the main configuration is true, setting this property as false will avoid hiding the item
name*StringnoChanges the name of the sidebar item
icon*StringnoSpecifies the icon of the sidebar item
info*StringnoSets the content of the info text (a smaller secondary text below the main item text)
notification*StringnoAdd a notification badge to the sidebar item
bottomBooleannoSetting this property to true will group the item with the bottom items (Configuration, Developer Tools, etc)
hrefStringnoSpecifies the href of the sidebar item
targetStringnoSpecifies the [target property] of the sidebar item
on_clickSee belownoSpecifies the onClick property of the sidebar item. It allows two types of actions, service call actions or javascript actions. Take into account that setting this property will not prevent redirecting to an internal dashboard or an external URL if the href property is set. If you want to avoid navigating to a page, you should set the href option as # (in new items you can just omit it). Check the Short Configuration Example below for an example of its usage
attributes*String or ObjectnoObject that defines a group of attributes that will be applied to the sidebar item. The properties of this object must be strings, numbers or booleans
dividerBooleannoAdds a divider line below the item
new_itemBooleannoSet this property to true to create a new item in the sidebar. If you use this property you need to provide an icon property and either a href or an on_click property

* These options allow JavaScript or Jinja templates.

  • All items should have a unique item property.
  • Avoid an item property that could match multiple elements. If you find that an item property matches multiple elements, try to use the match and exact properties to match the specific item that you want to match.
  • The items will be ordered according to their order property OR in the order of appearance.
  • If you use the order property in at least one item, make sure either all items (except hidden ones) have this property, or none of them (otherwise order may be messed up).
  • Notifications and user account are not part of the main sidebar items so you cannot change their properties. On the other hand, global color properties will affect these items.
  • If you set the order or hide items from the sidebar, it is recommended that you don't use Home Assistant functionality to reorder/hide items, because it will conflict with the functionality of the plugin.
  • Take into account that using the on_click parameter in an item will not stop redirecting to a page if the href parameter has a value. If you want to stop navigating to a page when you click on an item, for new items you can just omit the href parameter, but for existing items you should set the href parameter as #.
  • Take into account that the code parameter of an javascript action in the on_click parameter doesn't need to be enclosed between three square brackets ([[[ ]]]).

Short Configuration Example

<config directory>/www/sidebar-config.yaml
title: 'My Home'
- new_item: true
item: 'Automations'
href: '/config/automation'
icon: 'mdi:robot'
order: 1
- new_item: true
item: 'Woonkamer'
icon: 'mdi:ceiling-light-multiple'
action: 'call-service'
service: 'light.toggle'
entity_id: 'light.woonkamer'
order: 2
- new_item: true
item: 'Reload'
icon: 'mdi:reload-alert'
action: 'javascript'
code: 'location.reload();'
order: 3
- item: 'overview'
hide: true

Advanced Configuration Options


These options are intended for advanced users. They are not strictly necessary and you can use the plugin without making use of them. The purpose of these options is to reduce code repetition and share configurations. It is advisable that you do not use them if they result confusing to you or if you don't understand their usage. Check the Advanced Configuration Options section for a more detailed explanation.

Excluding extend_from, the rest of these configuration options should be placed only in the root configuration. They are not allowed in exceptions.

js_variablesObjectnoAn object containing variales that will be used in JavaScript templates Consult the JavaScript Variables section for more info
jinja_variablesObjectnoAn object containing variales that will be used in Jinja templates. Consult the Jinja Variables section for more info
partialsObjectnoAn object containing fragments of code that can be included in your templates. Consult the Partials section for more info
extendable_configsObjectnoAn object containing extendable configurations. Consult the Extendable Configurations section for more info
extend_fromString or String[]noIndicates if the configuration should extend from extendable configrations. Consult the Extendable Configurations section for more info