📄️ Customisations are not applied
If the customisations are applied correctly in a browser but not in the Companion App, go to Issues with the Companion App.
📄️ Issues with the Companion App
Check first if the customisations are not applied also in a browser, if that is the case, go to Customisations are not applied.
📄️ Customisations are not applied remotely
If the sidebar customisations work perfectly when you are connected through your local network but they don't work when you are connected remotely, most probably you are suffering from caching issues. If you are in a browser, open the developer console, go to Network and check the checkbox labeled as Disable cache, refresh the browser with the developer console open. If the issue is only in the Companion App, consult Issues with the Companion App.
📄️ Warning about not matching sidebar items
This warning means that you have an item in your configuration that doesn't match any sidebar item.